Wednesday, December 06, 2006

The power of words...

It has come to my attention that apparently inflection and inclination while vocalizing sounds are not as important as the words you say.

Let me give you the run down.

I am a player in a Play By Email Werewolf the Appocolypse game.

What this means is it is a role playing game played online... sorta.

You have different dots that represent you as a character and as such that declares what you can and can't do.

So ok... thats the backstory I am going with. Now how does this relate to english?

Well.... There is a debate going on that is the context of the post is more important than the rolls supporting it. The dice relate how well you do something. So basically they are saying it is what you say, not how you say it....

And I think that is bullshit.

ANYONE who has whored themselves out to the service industry KNOWS that is bull shit.

You see, in my experience that is the difference in peoples reaction. Customer service is not the customer is always right. It is simply telling them they are wrong nicely.

I mean case in point. Say the following phrase in your normal voice....

"Nice weather we are having"

GO ahead, you have to say it outloud for the full effect. Its ok, I won't laugh...

OK now try the same phrase while laughing maniacly and drooling.

Its ok, no one is watching....

This experament works best with other people. So you can guage their reaction.

Next time you walk up to someone and say. "Nice weather we are having" notice, they will look at you maybe let out a pleasant smile and say "sure is".

but if you walk up to some one and scream and giggle and say "NICE WEATHER WE ARE HAVING!?!?!?!?!" They normally shy away from you and eventually call the cops.

I mean so I have heard.

ON a side note the restraining order lifts on friday!

where was I? Oh yeah my rant.

Has the power of the english language been so degraded through text that we can't even phathom how important inflection is? I mean CHA (charisma for the non gamers*) is a game stat for a reason, Take for instance me. I am dumpy and fat, and smell like cottage cheese, and I am ugly and have a silly hair cut, and I dress like I mugged a retarded 4 year old on the way to school. But on the phone, I am slick. I am mighty, I am CHA incarnate.

I just can't talk to people face to face. Cuz they are repulsed.

And its hard to sound confident when you cry.

SO anyway, my humble readers*. What do you think is more important what you say or how you say it?

*Who am I kidding, only pete is going to read this.



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